Midwifery Guidance on Your Personal Health Journey
Before, Between, and Beyond Pregnancy.
Holistic, Person-Centered Care for Every Stage of a Female Bodied Life.

- Well-person exams including PAP smears and physical exams. Abnormal PAP results will be referred to a physician of your choice.
- Well-teen consultations, in depth personal education about understanding your menstrual cycle.
- Preconception and fertility counseling.
- Fertility Awareness Method education and support.
- Education about hormone balancing practices
- Herbal, dietary, and self-care education for recovering and maintaining optimal health.
- Diagnostic testing for UTI’s, Yeast overgrowths, Bacterial Vaginosis, STIs.
- Herbal, dietary and self care treatment for UTIs, yeast imbalance, and Bacterial Vaginosis.
- Intra-Uterine Device (IUD) removal.
- Can order Lab work to assess thyroid function, iron levels, hormone levels, vitamin and mineral levels.
Fees Payable at Time of Service
Initial Consultation $140
Schedule Initial ConsultationFor clients that have had an initial consultation within the last 3 years, $95
Schedule AppointmentLab work fees can be submitted to insurance for coverage.