I am Lilly Mason CPM…
Midwife, Author, Teacher, Wife, Mother, Daughter, Sister….

I Love Helping Families Grow.
All birthing people have the ability to birth from a place of power and grace.
I have experienced birth as essentially simple and sacred.
I use the powerful tools of patience and privacy to hold open sacred space around the laboring mama and baby…
…so that they can release all else and birth in accordance with their own instincts.
The wild, simple process of birth uninterrupted is the right of every mother and baby.
I work alongside families to build a safe container throughout pregnancy so that birth can unfold naturally.
Education and Certifications
- Certified Professional Midwife 2015-present
- Health Professional CPR and Neonatal Resuscitation Certification, 2012-present
- Visceral Manipulation Training, Barral Institute, 2016-present
- Expect the Unexpected Emergency Skills Training, 2019
- Birth Emergency Skills Training, 2014 and 2016
- Midwifery Internship, Better Birth Center, Salt Lake City, Utah, 2013-14
- Apprenticeships with six community-based midwives, Lawrence, KS, Topeka, KS, Lenexa KS, Kansas City MO, and Prairie Village KS, 2003-2014
- Placenta Encapsulation Specialist Training through Placenta Benefits 2010
- DONA International Doula Training, 2003
- EMT-Basic certification 2003
- BA Sociology, Anthropology, and Biology, Knox College, Galesburg, Illinois, 2001