Placenta Remedies

The Essential Postpartum Mother’s Helper. 

Benefits of Placenta Remedies: 

  • Improve milk supply.
  • Guard against anemia.
  • Reduce fatigue.
  • Relieve post-partum depression. 
  • Alleviate many other post birth difficulties.

Placenta Pharmacopia Includes

  • Capsules
  • Tincture
  • Umbilical cord keepsake
  • Skin salve

Scientific Research on Placenta Remedy Use:

  • A collection of several studies done at UNLV showing the molecular composition of placenta capsules, the iron content of placenta remedies and more: Placenta vs Placebo
  • A survey published in 2013 found that 95% of mothers who used placenta remedies prepared by a trained professional according to traditional Chinese Medicine guidelines had a “positive” or “very positive” experience – Placentophagy Survey
  • This is a great balanced review of the science to date on placentophagy. Placenta – Worth Trying?
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